Show & Tell #8 - Maybe Everything

Saturday, December 14th 2013

Things I've Done Since My Last Update
Nothing To Hide: Feature complete demo. (online dev build, source code)

Things I Will Do This Week
Nothing To Hide: Playtest & Polish.

Nothing To Hide

Finally. The game demo is now feature-complete!

  • New controls: click-and-hold to move, click buttons to interact.
  • New mechanics: conveyor belts, moveable blocks, trigger prisms.
    (the "door" mechanic has been scrapped)
  • New levels showing off said controls/mechanics.

Online Dev Build so far, with 12 Levels (Chrome/Safari only)
The messy source code on Github

This week: In-person playtests. One with a group of friends in Seattle, and another with friends in the Bay Area. After each playtest group, refine and polish the game. By the end of the week, everything should be more or less in place for the Nothing To Hide demo. (And the week after that will be focusing on the Progress Pledge campaign, due to launch Jan 1st - public domain day)

Until next time,
~ Nick