Show & Tell #7 - Get Open, Get Out

Saturday, November 30th 2013

Things I've Done Since My Last Update:

  • Progress Pledge: Fully featured site, (accomplished, with source) do user tests
  • Nothing To Hide: Public polished prototype #2
    (Nothing for Nothing. But all the latest work is finally on Github)
  • Met with the Mozilla YVR team (yes)

Things I Will Do This Week

  • Nothing To Hide: Polished vertical, seriously.
  • Progress Pledge: Do user tests, add polish.

Progress Pledge Prototype

Aw yiss, it's an online demo, and the full source on Github!

Top-Left: Campaign progress bar. Shows how much is pledged per milestone.
Bottom-Left: Pledging form. Select total pledge amount, and per-milestone split.
Top-Right: Backer sees this page displaying their pledge progress.
Bottom-Right: Admin dashboard with overall stats, and links to claim pledges.

I'm pretty proud of my progress on this pledging prototype! (Ain't alliterations awesome?) Everything listed above is fully functional*, and actually calls Stripe to bill credit cards. All that's left to do is testing, polish, and adding the actual content (text/video) for the Nothing To Hide campaign.

Next week: Do user tests, add polish. (Stretch goal: create campaign content.)

* A reader has pointed out that this was not a true fact. The Paypal & Coinbase options are currently still unimplemented. Thanks for the correction, Allen!

Nothing To Hide

Nothing to show for Nothing to Hide this week. But I did finally push all the latest unpublished work on the game to a messy Github repo. It's not clean, it's not organized, but it's everything.

This week, I hope to actually do what I set out to do last week.

This week: Create a polished vertical. A cutscene leads into an in-game level, with polished mouse-based controls, a fully animated world, new levels to show off the new mechanics, and a great background soundtrack. Publish this for feedback.

Talks & Travels

Grumpy Cat on a Firefox OS

Meeting again with the Mozilla YVR team was a blast! They let me demo my projects, Nothing To Hide and Progress Pledges. (A shout-out to Angelina for lending me a Firefox OS to help port Nothing To Hide!) The demo was also an effective way to find each project's "oh wow that's cool" moment. (Nothing To Hide: anti-stealth. Progress Pledge: pledging in instalments)

On my way out, I walked into a door and started bleeding, somehow.
Sorry for staining the floor.

Until next time,
~ Nick